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What To Bring
To Class

What to bring to a regular exercise class:


Regular participation in structured exercise is important for maintaining good health but please talk to your doctor before joining our program, or following illness or surgery, to make sure that you are fit and well enough to participate.


Here are some helpful tips for participating in an exercise class:

  • Wear comfortable clothing eg. shorts and t-shirt, or a tracksuit in colder weather.  Always wear runners or lace-up shoes to class

  • Bring along any medication required (ventolin, anti-angina tablets/spray, diabetes control kits) with your name clearly labeled and make sure it is easily reached

  • Bring along a water bottle and drink enough to keep you hydrated

  • Bring along an exercise mat and an old towel

  • Come to class on time to participate in the warm-up

  • Remember we can always modify any exercise that causes you pain or discomfort. Don’t ignore your body’s signals of fatigue, discomfort and pain

  • Keep your exercise leader informed about any changes to your health (new diagnosis, change of medication, recent fall)

  • Notify us if you are going to miss a class. 

Stop exercising IMMEDIATELY & notify your instructor if any of the following occur:


  • Discomfort or pain

  • Chest pain or other pain that could indicate a heart attack, including pain in the neck and jaw, pain travelling down the arm or pain between the shoulder blades

  • Extreme breathlessness

  • A very rapid or irregular heartbeat during exercise.


Please be aware that our instructors are not clinically qualified. They are qualified to deliver the exercise program that you are participating in. If you have any health issues please talk to your doctor or health professional before joining our groups.

Elderly Woman at Gym

© 2024 Hawthorn Community House

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